Adorable @mis_zapatos

OOTD Ria Tumimomor

When I saw a photo shared by my acquaintance on her Instagram, my eyes locked on her bag. It’s so cute, and I have not seen that kind of bag here in Jakarta. I check out online, like who knows probably this bag; Mis Zapatos is actually Indonesian brand. Not after I check out their Instagram then I know Mis Zapatos IS NOT Indonesian brand. And no, that bag is not available here in Indonesia. Only in Japan, and later I found out in Singapore and Malaysia.

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Christmas eve at Starbucks Megaria
Hanging out on Christmas Eve

And finally we are about to leave year 2017 behind and welcoming 2018. Naturally, as always I have my regrets and satisfaction.

My regrets and also satisfaction that this is the year that I finally able to do something more with my hobby and that is blogging. I am still considering to put more activity on social media. It seems quicker to get more response rather than blogging. But then, I loves pouring my heart out on writing and also whatever cross my mind. So, big chances I still blogging for more years to come.

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Danessia bag Muda Gaya.jpg
My Danessia bag

By the time I reached the age 35, I was no longer able to use small bags for the most of my activities. And year after year, the bag keeps on getting bigger. I feel too lazy to organize and just grab my necessary things and drop all of them inside my bag. Let me see, I used to bring my mini umbrella, hat, my wallet (this one, I have been abandon them all at home to avoid being taken by pickpocket on the bus), my notes, my cardholder, my handphones, their chargers, internet modem… That was quite a list, right? And during weekend there will be more to bring like wet tissue, lotion, lipstick and the list can grow longer… Which is why not a surprise that most of my sling bag and backpack in big size to contain all of whatever that I decide to bring.

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Traveling Disaster (Again)

Trying to smile under the heavy wind and rain wasn’t easy

I once wrote it here what dress I will bring, what kind of outfit for my outing trip to the province of  islands Bangka and Belitung. Well, guess what… no surprise that all my plan failed.

I didn’t expect the weather would not be friendly with us. I have expected there would be rain but goodness for all day long? And our trip was hopping islands where you expected blue sky and white sands. It didn’t happen. So, eventually I just wear my shirt and legging because there is no place for changing clothes. Yeah, I brought my raincoat but I use it to cover my belonging from the rain. It was a miracle I didn’t get sick.

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#TravelBangkaBelitung – Getting Ready

Hat, sunglasses, Batty going to Bangka Belitung

The date has been set and I am ready to go to Bangka and Belitung with my colleagues. Yeah, this is another outing held by my office and I can’t hardly wait. Well, actually not really that excite because this May is one year of my father’s passing. So, I was a bit sad to leave my mom while I should be at home with her. But this trip will only takes 4 days so hopefully everything is going to be okay.

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