Kushoeka @mis_zapatos_

mis zapatos
Backpack Mis Zapatos

Fall in love at the first sight. That’s probably what I felt seeing Mis Zapatos bag for the first time. I saw a friend of mine wearing this cute bag, she posted on her Instagram account. After asking her, I found out that she bought the bag somewhere in Japan. She also informed that I can find those bags in Singapore and Malaysia. But, I hardly travel so that information brings me down…a bit. Yup, I’m such a drama queen right? I finally get my hands on their products when a friend of mine kind enough to get one for me during her trip to Japan. And, I also contacted Mis Zapatos through their Instagram account and wow, they responded to my question. Informing me, they have authorized reseller here in Jakarta. That’s great!

mis zapatos kushoeka
Mis Zapatos backpack and pouch

I got their social media account: Kushoeka and started to browse the products. Lucky me, they were having sale for a cute pouch. I seized the opportunity and bought one. So, now I have my authentic backpack and pouch as well. Enough for me, but I am a bit curious about how Kushoeka managed to be Mis Zapatos authorized resellers. I contacted them again, and finally here is our chit chat about it:


@riamrt: So, how did this all start?
@Kushoeka : It started around 4 years ago, when the whole family were on holiday in Japan. During our trip, our attention fall on this bag with cute and unique design. At that time, people in Japan hardly know about Mis Zapatos not to mention foreigners like us. Since we fell in love with their chic and unusual design, we tried to find and contact their principal plus offer them a serious collaboration. Alhamdulillah they respond with our idea very well.

@riamrt: What’s their selling point other than unusual design?
@kushoeka: From our opinion, is how they choose strong material to support their unusual design. Though the fabric that they choose seems give a casual impression but their bag is suitable both for formal or casual. This bag has material strong enough to endure daily activities like going to the office or school. And yet, wearing this bag gives you the sense of being chic and fashionable.
We have the opportunity talking with the designer of Mis Zapatos bags. Their basic idea is they want us feeling comfortable while using the bag. The same comfort we get when wearing gorgeous shoes. That’s the feeling behind the design of Mis Zapatos’s products. In Spanish, Mis Zapatol means my shoes.

@riamrt: Other than bag and pouch, what other products from Mis Zapatos?
@kushoeka : Mis Zapatos focus their products on bags with various sizes, pouch, wallet, casing for handphone. While their principal only focus on bags, there are several brands of them.

@riamrt: Share with us why you consider becoming their reseller?
@kushoeka: When we first bought Mis Zapatos, we get many queries from family and friends. They are curious with the unusual design, made the bag looks unique and cute, more feminim. We know the bag isn’t available here in Indonesia so we propose to their principal to become authorized reseller to make it more popular here.

@riamrt: Ah, we wish to know your tips to gain their trust
@kushoeka: Alhamdulillah the process didn’t take long. After through constructive and intense communication with them, they finally give us the authority to be their reseller. Tips from us, we need to open up in showing our good intention and commitment to build a serious relationship. As every partnership based on trust and full commitment from both parties.

Mis Zapatos and Kushoeka

@riamrt: last question, tell us about ups and down being Mis Zapatos authorized reseller?
@kushoeka: Alhamdulillah, we are happy when we gain trust from our customer plus building relationship more than seller to customer but more like between friends. We met many nice people like yourself (ehm) along the way being authorized reseller. Our hope being authorized reseller of Mis Zapato that our customers satisfy and love our service and products, plus to maintain their trust as well.
The down sides we noticed many knock off items, sold with cheaper prize. Naturally, many customers disappointed as obviously the knock off items lack of quality and design. This is also becoming our homework to give more information about Mis Zapatos here to Indonesian customers. This problem also occurs in Japan, so not just here in Indonesia, where there are store selling knock off items. They look so similar, making it harder for new customer to notice the difference. That’s why we wish to remind our friends and future customers to be more careful about the authenticity of Mis Zapatos before purchase them.

Note: I posted this interview also at my other blog. This is not a sponsored post. I receive no payment or whatsoever.

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