Shopping Online

Taken from my Clozette’s account
I posted this in Indonesian language in my other blog: Ria the Chocolicious.
I am planning to use this blog to post about my preference on fashion for single women at age 40 something. Hopefully, I am able to stick to the plan. So hi there, this is my first post here at WordPress.
You see, ever since online shops scattered around the net, I was one of their loyal stalkers. I loves clicking the picture of clothes, bags, shoes, you name it. Eventually I asked around and got several names of the-so-called-recommended online shop. But in the end, I was totally crushed when I received the ordered clothes. They were different with those pictures that the online shop posted on their social media accounts. To tell you the truth, from 6 online shops only 2 of them that really realiable. So, I decided to take different approach.

After looking all those gorgeous photos on the Instagram, I try to contact their admin. Started with lip service talk like hey, you have nice collections. May I have information where your store location so I can go there?
Being online shop, most of them as we have suspected don’t have their own store. But some of them do have stores only too far away from us like in another city. So, I asked them whether they also sell their products on a special event. Usually most of them also sell their products through some kind of bazaar, located at the mall. All we have to do to is to ask them the location and when they will be there. Problem solved.
Then I decided that I should follow the social media accounts of the event organizer. Not only that I am going to know when and where the next event will be held but also get information of other brands joining the event. Will this event only sell clothes and women accesories? Or will there be some kind of food trucks and live music? Will there be also products for men? Usually, after attend the event I bought another dress. The one that I want is out of stock. Or the color that I want also out of stock. The other reason, I found another cute dress and since I have limited budget then I need to think over which one to buy.
There are several of event organizer, I just attend two of their events. They are:
The first one is LOCALSTRUNK, as they held the event in Grand Indonesia mall. This mall is my favorite since….near….the bus stop for busway… ^_^
The name of the products that I have bought during their event are:
 OlineWorkrobe, Ramuneshop, Cheviaonline and if you see the above photo, I wore the one by Afternoon.Concept .
The second one is POPUPMARKET with more participants, not only selling clothes for women but also for men. And also many products including snack and food trucks. I bought my slip on shoes there, created by  13th Shoes .
Why I still prefer to see the dress or shoes by myself before decide to buy them? Sometimes I don’t like the fabric though on photo I thought I like the dress. Often you think if you know the size of your shoes then there is no need to try them first. But, it turn out I have to do that. And for me, there is this excitement when you browse to one clothes to another. By yourself or with your friends. The other reason I was once shocked to find out from direct messages with the seller regarding the price of their products. So, I think before I embarrased myself in the future then I would rather do the shopping by myself…

How about you? Any tips you like to share with me?


4 thoughts on “Shopping Online

  1. coretandenina April 20, 2016 / 9:43 am

    kalo saya juga gitu mbak, mending lihat dan nyoba dulu. saya suka banget style nya zara dan mango. tapi dalam banyak kasus, setelah saya coba nggak cocok. tapi beda dengan esprit, style nya sederhana tapi enak dipake dan cocok. ke depannya, kalo udah check di website zara atau mango ada yang dipengen, aku ke tokonya. tapi kalo esprit, udah yakin aja, beli langsung online.

    Liked by 1 person

    • riatumimomor April 21, 2016 / 12:57 am

      haaa, iya. Aku juga suka Zara & Mango. Tp ya gitu deh, di Indonesia harganya jadi gak masuk akal. Sementara kl mau beli online jg syerem, jadi beralih ke produk designer lokal aja. Mereka2 yg produknya aku beli nih, local designer semua 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • coretandenina April 21, 2016 / 6:08 am

        produk lokal itu bukannya lebih mahal mbak? disini begitu. kemarin saya beli produk lokal berlin 200 euro lebih untuk jaket winter nya. itu udah discount. nah, kalo zara dan mango itu bisa dapat 70-100 euro kalo discount. betul mbak, beli online itu agak tricky takut nggak pas ukurannya. kalo kasus saya, esprit, memang sudah cocok mbak.


    • riatumimomor April 21, 2016 / 6:43 am

      Di sini terbalik… Aku mendingan beli produk lokal deh daripada yg buatan LN, apalagi yg udah punya nama. Harganya amit2… Kl dipikir2, mendingan mendukung para generasi muda yg sudah mampu menghasilkan produk keren utk digunakan (sok banget alesannya padahal bokek kl disuruh beli produk import)


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